I’MNOVATION AUSTRALIAN EDITION is here! Check out the open challenges and sign up.
Western Harbour Tunnel is Sydney’s third harbour crossing. ACCIONA has been awarded Stage 2 of the Project, which involves the design and construction of the northern section of the tunnel. Works include connections from Stage 1 at Cove Street, Birchgrove, to the Warringah Freeway near North Sydney, tunnelling underneath Sydney Harbour and complete tunnel fit out.
The Project will change the way people travel across Sydney Harbour by improving capacity and providing new direct routes and reliability on both sides of the harbour.
ACCIONA is looking to collaborate with incorporated companies, ideally but not necessarily established less than seven years ago, that are either:
Western Harbour Tunnel (WHT) I’MNOVATION program, aims to support the co-development of new solutions that will improve:
I’MNOVATION AUSTRALIAN EDITION is here! Check out the open challenges and sign up.
Haven’t applied yet, run! The deadline for applications is October 16th.
The finalist startups will pitch to a committee that will decide the winner. This startup will develop a pilot in a real environment for 6 months with us.
Each team will present the results obtained to the decision committee that will evaluate the continuity and scaling of the program.